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President Trump rips Dems over Iowa caucus debacle and goes after Pelosi saying she "broke the law"
VERIFY: Did Speaker Pelosi break the law when she ripped President Trump's speech?
Pelosi, McCarthy Clash Over Whether Trump Broke the Law by Freezing Ukraine Aid
Trump 'really needs our prayers': Pelosi
Pelosi: GAO confirms White House 'broke the law'
Pelosi: GAO confirms White House 'broke the law'
Why Speaker Pelosi Ripped Up Trump's State of the Union Speech
GOP resolution calls to condemn Pelosi for ripping up SOTU speech
Pelosi speaks after Dems walked out from meeting with Trump on Syria– 10/17/2019
President Trump makes public statement after impeachment acquittal (FULL LIVE STREAM)
'The Five' on Trump touting victory while Dems reel from Iowa
U.S. House: Debate on 25th Amendment